Saturday, January 26, 2008

My Kind of House

If I could have any house I would want, I think these would be it! I've always dreamed of living in a little cottage with loads of charm, window seats to read on, old wooden floors, a fire in the old stone fireplace, a garden with tons of bright flowers spilling everywhere....this is my kind of house!
Just looking at these houses makes creative wheels start turning. To have a rounded door like that!?
I don't care so much about the size and practicality of a house, as much as how it makes me feel. Old homes just have a spirit and character that can't be replicated in newer, larger houses. And, although they take a lot of time and effort to maintain, seeing the transformations that can take place when you love and care for your house is worth it!
Enjoy your weekend!


  1. i've always loved the "tutor" style homes as well. they are so charming & cozy. if/when we build a new home, i'd love to do something similar to a "tutor" style home. they are just so welcoming and peaceful.

  2. Are these Carmel houses? I agree with you, I care much more about how a house makes me 'feel' than if it has a big kitchen or big closets. These houses are adorable, every girl's fantasy!


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