Sunday, June 8, 2008

Summer Wedding

I helped at the wedding of our friends Charlie & Liz's son Jeremy and his new wife Lydia this past Saturday, and I thought I'd share some photos.

It was a HOT day!! Probably one of the hottest of the year (upper 90's). Despite the heat, it was set in a beautiful location (a farm) and it didn't rain!

The bride & groom attached photos of themselves to a fence - I thought it was a clever idea...

The bride & groom and wedding party making their entrance into the reception...

The first dance...

They are a beautiful couple!


  1. Beautiful...don't you sometimes wish you could do it again? Not the stress of course...just the feeling like a princess and all that! :)

  2. I'm assuming you survived on Saturday! :) I don't think I would have made it.

    Glad it turned out well!!!

  3. Looks lovely , a farm wedding , love that , that tent was amazing, they are insanely expensive to rent here, we too had just as hot weather and my mom got married this past saturday , great time , no rain , it was perfect.

  4. What a beautiful wedding!

    Btw, I've been lurking for awhile and just haven't taken the time to leave a comment. I've enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your little projects. Sorry! I'll try to be better w/ leaving comments! :)


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee