Thursday, July 24, 2008

They said "I do!"

This weekend I coordinated a wedding for a friend of mine, Sheryl, and her new husband Greg. She was a beautiful bride and he was head-over-heals about her!

So fun to watch.

My sister Sara (left) was a bridesmaid...

The simple but pretty wedding cake...

The best part about helping with a friend's wedding is that I get to take hubs along! Although, believe me, weddings are so not his thing and he is usually happy to stay home!

Notice the baby bump starting to grow? and grow. and grow. Happy day!


  1. You're such a cute little pregnant lady! The wedding was beautiful, good job!

  2. What a beautiful wedding! The colors show up nicely in the church. The multi-colored calla lilies are stunning.

    The picture of you is great. Enjoy that cute pregnant stage! Darling dress, too, by the way.

  3. oooh, baby bump! love that! and so inspired by your memo board! any news from Beth???

  4. Finally a bump picture! You look fab!

  5. You look really good, Aimee! :)

  6. you look great aimee. i love the belly bump.
    i believe your friends got married in the same church clark and i did. ephrata united methodist?! beautiful church.
    great seeing you the other day.

  7. The cake is great. We finally met with a cake lady...and I'm really into the simple cake. cute are y'all?

  8. You look great! I love that polkadot maternity dress!


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee