Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A little sewing project

I've been thinking about trying my hand at sewing for a while now and I finally got it accomplished. My mom helped me sew these curtains to hide some of Avery's toys on our bookcase in the office/play room. I must say - it was fun!

And considering I hadn't used a sewing machine since Junior High when I made a lovely pink sweatshirt (remember those days?), I think I did a pretty good job!

Here is the BEFORE pic. Looking a bit messy...

And here's the AFTER with the toys hidden away...

So, yes, I've been bit by the sewing bug. Hmm, what else could I make??


  1. Great job! I thought the before picture looked pretty darn good (compared to our messy play area)! I need to get busy and get more organized!

  2. Love it (although the before pic didn't look all that bad to me either) :) And are those white boxes with a brown paisley print? I LOVE them!!!

  3. i agree with the other comment, the before picture already looked pretty organized to me, but i do love the fabric and it does give it a clean/sleek look.

    i'm one to talk, clark says i reorganize already organized things! : )

  4. thanks again for the delish brunch the other day, i can't stop thinking about your house and all the lovely corners....happy sewing! and i do love those curtains, they just finish that room off!!!!!!

  5. The new curtains are darling! Bravo!

  6. Hi, my name is julie and i also live in new holland! I just moved here in may after i got married. I love the stuff you do with decorating, and weddings! I love to craft myself! Well i just wanted to introduce myself :)


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