Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pebble Beach

While we stayed in Carmel, we drove through Pebble Beach. It has gorgeous golf courses and homes right along the ocean that just take your breath away!

The golf courses are right by the ocean! Did we play a round of golf, you ask? Well, considering the $475 price per person for a game (and the fact that we have no skills), we politely declined.

It was definitely worthwhile to spend some time at this beautiful place!


  1. Aimee, how fun that you and your hubby got away alone together for some R&R! You picked some lovely places.



  2. Mmmm..I love Pebble Beach...did you go to Monterrey and the aquarium? It is the best one I've been to.

  3. Looks great! And I would chosen to decline to golf as well... :)


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee