Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Patio Makeover (for cheap!)

One of our projects this summer was to spruce up our sad, sad patio in the back of our house. I'm a bit embarrassed to even show the before pictures, but here you go!

The patio was made of concrete blocks that were falling apart, the grass needed to be re-done, the concrete steps needed to be painted, and it badly needed some landscaping.


You can see how terrible the patio looked here. Just gross.

another before


Some inexpensive things that we did to give the patio a facelift:

1. Painted the iron banister a fresh coat of white and the concrete steps brown. We also removed the screen door and painted the doors and trim.

2. We poured pea gravel on top of the concrete blocks. It's not an ideal surface for a patio, but it is much less expensive than brick or stone. Someday we want to replace it with stone pavers, but it works for now. It definitely looks better than the concrete!

3. We did buy some stone pavers to surround the patio.

4. We planted perennials and annuals around the patio.

5. I found this cute little patio table at a yard sale and it was already repainted and the seat covers were recently replaced, so I didn't even have to do any work to it!

6. We are working on reseeding the lawn. It's been a work in progress and a learning experience for hubs!

All in all, we spent several hundred dollars and the difference is huge! Although, I must admit, lots of our sweat went into it! It feels immensely satisfying knowing that we did it all ourselves!


  1. Wow! What a change! You guys did an awesome job!

  2. BRAVO!!

    if your hubs wants some advice, he can give my hubs a call, he has a landscape business and owns many wonderful things that can spruce up the place in no time at in a grass seeder and such, (and i will put in a good word for you such as, "could my friends husband use the seeder this weekend if he pays for the seed??"). also, he almost ALWAYS have leftover pavers from jobs and if you don't mind a mish-mash of colors you may be able to have them for el-chepo or even better, el-freeo!! :-)

  3. Wow! What an amazing transformation. That should be in a magazine. You certainly have *vision.*

  4. Looks great...that table was a steal!!

  5. Great job! I love the patio furniture!

  6. how cute!!!! i love it all! response to your post on my blog....donuts!!!!! :)

  7. The difference in the 'before' and 'after' is amazing!! It looks just gorgeous! Enjoy your new patio...Donna

  8. Really lovely. :) Makes me think of my poor patio needs a face lift.

  9. So adorable. Just in time for fall, too. :)

  10. I miss you! Hope everything's okay and you'll post again soon.

  11. I'd LOVE to know the paint color of those steps (if you still know) the previous owner painted the entire base of our house BATTLESHIP GREY. it's terrible! We haven't re-painted yet because we're too afraid to put too much work into it and it not look the way we want- although I have to admit- anything would look better than it's current condition!! :)

  12. ps- great looking flowers- and I LOVE the star back there...


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