Sunday, December 7, 2008

Bulletin Board Makeover

I was asked to decorate the bulletin board for our church's Women's Ministry, and I thought I'd share the results in case any of you need some ideas for a memo/bulletin board.

Here's what the bulletin board looked like - very generic and straight from the office supply store...

And here's what it looks like now...

I painted the frame black, cut out fabric to fit the inside, and adhered the fabric and trim ribbon to the board with decorative tacks (my newest favorite decorating item!).

I made sure that the fabric and trim was easy to remove, since I'll need to update the board according to the seasons.

I pasted the chipboard lettering and snowflakes (from AC Moore) onto the fabric with fabric glue.

And there you go - a brand new bulletin board!


  1. Very nice!! I'm headed to AC Moore tonight to by some picture frames that with my coupon should be a grand total of 75% off!! Next I will be asking you on where the best place will be to hang them!! Hee Hee!!

    Very disappointed that we couldn't hang out this weekend! Sick kids are a bummer! Oh well, I hope we'll get to have time together soon!

  2. LOVE it! Great job! I knew you were the perfect pick for this project! ;o)

  3. Aimee,
    You are just way too talented! Love the bulletin board! It's amazing what you can do with something that started out so plain and ordinary.

    Anyway, you'll have to take a look at my wreath, as I posted a pic on my blog! Thanks for the idea and inspiration! I never would have thought of it, but I love it!

    Nicole Hostetter

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I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee