Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Welcome Baby Weaver!

Hey Everyone!

This is Aimee's sister giving an update on the big news!

Jack Benjamin Weaver was born Monday January 12 at 2:01 a.m. He came out a healthy 7lbs 2oz and 20 inches long, and a head full of dark hair.

Mommy and baby are doing great and will be staying at Ephrata Community Hospital if you would like to visit. Merle is a very proud daddy and Avery has been talking a lot about "baby brother." She's been very sweet with him :)

Pictures will be coming soon and I'm sure Aimee will have a lot more to tell you.


  1. Beyond excited to meet the newest Orioles fan in the Weaver household! :o)

    Love you guys!

  2. Finally!! Can't wait to meet my new nephew!

  3. Aww wonderful news! Can't wait to see the little guy!

  4. yippee!! welcome JACK! you are loved so much already!!!
    way to go Aimee!!!

  5. Congratulations Aimee and family!! What a great name for your new baby boy!

    Take care.


  6. Congrats Aimee for your new bundle of joy!..

    Have a good rest!..

  7. Oh and we have babes 6 days apart...fun!


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee