Monday, February 9, 2009

4 Weeks!

In some ways, time is just crawling by and other times I can't believe that my little guy is almost a month old! Wow!!

He's been a pretty content little baby and he sure likes to eat, which keeps me awake at night more than I would like. But hopefully soon he'll sleep for longer stretches at a time (right now he's up every 3 hours, which is normal for his age). I'm trying to be patient and just rest whenever I can.

And my friend Janelle just reminded me to let the day bring what it will and not to put too many expectations on myself, which is exactly the advice I need! If only I would always remember to follow it!


  1. Can't wait to meet the little man! I just want this to be over already!

  2. He is adorable! Congratulations, Amy! Hope you are doing well! :-)

  3. That is one beautiful baby! Hang in there; the rough nights won't last forever. Rest when you can and accept offers of help!


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee