Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Age is just a number...

Can I get an amen??

If you don't agree, just nod and pretend that I know what I'm talking about.

I turned the BIG three-oh this weekend and I lived to tell about it! I might have a few more wrinkles than I'd like, but I'm still here!

My awesome girlfriends took me out to lunch and I indulged in this ah-maz-ing triple-chocolate cake ~ heaven! So I not only turned 30 but gained a few pounds in the process. Lovely.

Well, goodbye, twenties! Thirties, here I come!

Man, I'm old.


  1. Happy Big 3-0! It's really not as bad as you think! And, you are beautiful ... no wrinkles that I've ever seen! :>) Embrace your 30's!

  2. Happy Birthday! Welcome to the 30 Club!


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee