Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Outdoorsy-Type Finds

I found a few fun things to set around outside lately from yard sales/Goodwill, etc.

Here is a cute little flower cart that I just couldn't pass up. It was completely rusted, so I spray painted it white, but, as you can see, it's already rusting again! Oh, well, it adds to the "shabby country" look, right? Or maybe just shabby!

And here is a chair that I found at a yard sale last year. It was so perfectly chippy and adorable - I didn't have to do anything to improve it!

I found this little cafe table set at a yard sale a few weeks ago and just loved it! I actually passed it up at first because I figured it wasn't something that I needed, but I just couldn't get it out of my mind! So I went back, offered less, and my offer was accepted!

Yay for good deals!


  1. LOVE IT ALL....especially that cafe table/chairs, it had your name written all over it, couldn't you see it? i'm glad you went back, you know it's meant to be if you can't stop thinking about it.

  2. Oh, Aimee, would you please come to Dallas and decorate my back porch? I love EVERYTHING you've done in your yard!


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee