Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Old Magazine Inspiration

Do you guys re-read old magazines like I do? I have a stash saved up, and I've been going through them when I get a free minute, which isn't very often these days!

I saw this photo of a kitchen with shelves in a Country Living from August of '07 and loved the look! I remembered that I had some old shelves in the attic that my mom gave me a while back.

I dug through the attic and found the shelves - here they are. Lovely, dontcha think?

I painted them the same color as my kitchen trim and hung them up today. Here's the finished product...

Total cost for the project: FREE (that's the best kind!) I used everything that I already had and gained some display space. Free and easy!


  1. you always inspire me, you make every nook & crany of your house so neat. i love it. just a simple tea set on shelves, its such beautiful decoration

  2. Love the great shelves. They look like a wonderful addition to your kitchen!

  3. Wow! Way to go! They look fabulous!

  4. You did a fabulous job! I love the numbered dishes! So creative!

  5. Alright, girl...come on over and pass me some of that creativity!!!! :) :)

  6. love this! it's just what that corner needed...isn't "free" decorating the best? i've been thinking about redoing our bathroom into a beach theme....goal=do not spend one penny!! we'll see!!

    my pink life is inspiring!!

  7. I love the numbered dishes. It looks so graphic and fun. DOn't you lvoe a free makeover?!


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