Monday, August 31, 2009

House Love

Some friends and I spent the day in Mount Gretna yesterday and I just fell in love with all the cottages in the little town! It's such a unique little community - full of colorful vacation homes loaded with character!

Of course, being the house-nut that I am, I was snapping away...

Amaaaazing front porch!

I'm a sucker for turrets!

Don't you just want to take a vacation here??

And there was the sweetest lake where we lounged all afternoon. My favorite kind of day!


  1. are there places for sale there?!

  2. We should rent a place there some weekend!!

  3. wow! all of those are SO pretty!
    not that I'd envy having to walk up all of those steps every day but for a pretty house like that, I'd do it! :)


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