Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'm Back!

Well, the Country Living Fair was every bit as glorious as I imagined! There were so many cool booths with fun decorations for sale - my mind could hardly take in all the new ideas that I got! Seriously!

Come with me for a little tour!

Pumpkins and fall decorations...love that chalkboard picture frame in the background!

Lots of antiques...

I will be making one of these wooden quote plaques soon...

I love me some colorful aprons! Oh, the ruffles...


These bottles put me in a tizzy! LOVE THEM! I will be making them soon too...

I also want to make these paper-wrapped tapers. So fun!

The weather was GLORIOUS! Makes me get in the mood for fall!

Can you believe that I did not buy ONE SINGLE THING?? But, we did make a trip to Hobby Lobby where I bought supplies to make some of the things I saw. I kept saying, "I could totally make that!".

What a refreshing weekend! My mind is spinning with tons of new ideas! :)


  1. Good for you for not buying anything. I love to shop but sometimes when there is so much to see my mind gets in overload and I can't focus, I don't end up buying anything. My husband likes when this happens. I love the bottles! Please give a tutorial when you do them!

  2. Love all the pics you posted. Be sure to share all of your secrets when you make the items! :>)

    I do still have some clothes for you. I'll plan to bring them on Sunday.

  3. Wow! What a fun fair! Great pictures!

  4. Great stuff. I can't wait to see what you went home and created!


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee