Thursday, November 26, 2009


*For my amazing little family who makes me laugh every day!

*For my husband who is teaching me the meaning of trusting whole-heartedly and totally on my Savior, Jesus Christ.

*For our families who are so supportive and will drop everything to help us when we need them.

*And for friends who are true friends. Friends who have fun with us, pray with us in our darkest times, hold our hands, and are just there for us.

Happy Thanksgiving to your family! :)


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Aimee! I am sure your family and friends are equally thankful for you!

  2. Those pictures couldn't be any more full of love! The chemistry between you stands out so much! Enjoy your family and Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Cute pictures!


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee