Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ruffled T-Shirt

Here's a simple way to make a plain-jane, cheap-o t-shirt look a little more girly and fun. I saw this idea online somewhere while ago, but I don't remember where.

I bought two gray v-neck t-shirts from Forever 21 for $3.50 each. (Cheap, right?!) One of the t-shirts will be used to cut out circles for the ruffles.

I cut 7 small and 7 large circles out of one of the t-shirts (approx. 1-1/2" and 2" circles).

I used a needle and thread to sew the small circle on top of the large one to make a little "flower".

I then sewed each "flower" onto the neck of the t-shirt. And you could use as many flowers as you want in whatever pattern you like.

I paired the t-shirt up with a cardigan, since it's winter-time.

Cute, right? The possibilities are endless for this! It's really easy to do and does NOT have to be perfect!


  1. You are amazing, Aimee! So creative- I love it! =)

  2. seriously, can i pay you to do that for me. in a black or pink? love it. adorable!!

  3. this is GREAT and do-able! does it launder well??


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