Thursday, January 7, 2010

Flower Power

My Frenchy pillow was looking a little bare, so I added these little posies I made from the leftover fabric and a hot glue gun.

They are cute, shabby, and I just love 'em!

I woke up to this beautiful scene this morning. GORGEOUS! Why don't you come over, grab a big old yummy mug of hot chocolate with globs of homemade whipped cream, and chat with me while we stare at the snow?


  1. Ok! Let me get dressed first though.

  2. I would love to! Honestly! But A. Your a littl too far from me and B. I can hardly get out of my own door for the snow and ice!

  3. Oh, I wish I would have read this earlier. I would have come! bah!

  4. i would love to. can i leave the kids at home to hold down the fort? : )
    i love lots of whip cream or marshmallows in my hot cocoa. honestly, i am addicted. now that we have an instant one cup kuerig machine, i drink it all the time now. yum-o!

  5. how did you make those flowers? i'm begging you to tell/show me how! :)


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee