Thursday, January 28, 2010


This is how I spend mornings when Jack is napping and Avery is watching a video.

I putter.

I'm a putterer.

And I have a thing for mirrors.

I also have a thing for little tables, fun dishes, cozy blankets, old books, and vintage aprons. But that's a whole 'nother thing.

I saw this mirror at Goodwill last weekend and kept going past it, saying no, and going past it again...and finally, I gave in.

And, really, for $3, it wasn't like it was going to break the bank. But I did have to paint it. It was an ugly brown veneer, so I gave it a quick painting and sanded the edges, and here you have it.


  1. What a great little area. I love your curtains!

    I just clicked on your window project, and I'm telling you... it looks like something I would expect to see in a gardening magazine! It's fantastic. And truthfully, Because of the window and the roses, I didn't even 'notice' the railing. In fact, it all sort of looks like it goes together. :)

    Great project, you are very talented!

  2. p.s. - while you are creating these FABULOUS works of art, you "think" your children are sleeping or sitting by the T.V. Meanwhile, they are cutting hair and tearing your office to pieces! : )
    Hee Hee!

  3. I found your blog through my close friend Janelle. I LOVE what you do, and find that we have a lot of common interests when it comes to re-doing and projects...Thanks for all the tips and ideas you post! Would love to have you over for coffee sometime (maybe with Janelle and Kara)!

  4. That's an adorable mirror and a great little corner. It makes me want to go to Goodwill right now.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Aimee,

    Beth (we work together at HOHC)introduced me to your blog and I love it! One of these days I'll get over to the coffee shop in New Holland.

    I noticed your reference to aprons &wanted to show you a mother-daughter set of aprons my sister made out of vintage tea towels. I forget if sewing is part of your skill set, but I figured you'd enjoy an idea.

    Happy puttering!

  7. YOU and I have a sickness....we could probably fight for the dirty stained hand title!!! I keep wondering when you are gonna run out of room, I really think i am getting close....but my brain won't turn off...durn it!


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee