Thursday, February 25, 2010


Wonder what I'm doing on this snowy morning?

Probably not.

But I tell you anyway.

Here's a hint...

Well, that was a pretty big hint, I guess, right?

I'm working on one of my favorite finds ever. Ever.

It is so stinking adorable. See the curved legs and all the detail on the drawer?

Eek! I can't wait to show you!


  1. I am so loving your blog! Love the chair redo, the window on your patio ( I have been wanting to do that too...) Everything is so fabulous!
    What variety of climbing rose is that? It does look amazing & doing so well for it's first year!! wow!


  2. on the edge of my office seat. can't wait to see. hurry up! : )
    hope to see you tonight. be in touch.

  3. I can't wait either! I fell into bed last night and sighed. Patrick asked what's up and I said, "I'm OVER inspired!" I see you do all these great things, and it is so inspiring, but I don't even know where to start! ( :

    Hurry up and finish already! ( ;

  4. That looks like a gorgeous piece! I can't wait to see it finished!!!

  5. can`t wait to see! snow days are great. :)


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee