Saturday, March 13, 2010


I was interviewed by my new blogger friend Jenny at her adorable site Bailey & Me 2. I know, can you believe someone thought I was interesting enough to interview?!!

Blows my mind.

So if you want to find out why I blame my mom for my constant need to decorate, or if you're curious what my favorite type of cheese is (HA!), head on over to her blog!

Thanks for featuring me Jenny!


  1. Hey! I found you via your feature on Jenny's blog. I love your style and your blog is adorable! And, you're in the same county I am! :)
    Blessings! I'm gonna go check out your French Farmhouse now.

  2. I love your blog as well...I am so inspired by you and can relate to you in so many ways. I am a full-time working mother of 2 beautiful girls and a pastor's wife. I am actually from Lancaster County and a graduate of Manheim Township High School as well as Millersville University! I am currently living in Honesdale, PA well north of Scranton and have been for the last 7 or so years since my husband was called to minstry here. I love my life, my family and I am greatly enjoying playing around with my home. I love redoing furniture as well. I enjoy your redos and am so your blog! I just began blogging 2 months ago and I am hooked. I would also love to interview you for mine and to visit your lovely home....I do visit Lancaster several times a year as my family still lives there! Perhaps in the spring? There are fewer trips made in the winter due to the weather! God bless and thanks for your inspiration!
    Stacey of


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee