Monday, April 19, 2010

Another Little Project

I have a confession to make.

I've been busy. And distracted. And I haven't been getting my projects done like I normally do.

I've been doing a lot of lying on the couch. And eating.
And then feeling sick.
I've been preoccupied with a particular little project. Only about 1-1/2 inches long but it's changing my world!

Yay for #3 coming in November!


  1. Congratulations! That's wonderful news! I had my third (and last) a year and a half ago. Good stuff!

  2. so fun.
    better get you that swing! : )

  3. Congratulations! So excited for you! I'm sure the kids are excited too!

  4. Congrats! So excited for you and your family.

  5. I was wondering when I'd see the blog announcement. ;o) So excited for you guys...

  6. How exciting! Congratulations!

  7. Oh congrats Aimee. God Bless you!

  8. Congratulations! YAY!!

  9. my mouth is hanging open!!!! I AM SOOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!! You've been working very, very hard that's for sure!!
    Looking forward to our next coffee night! LOTS of talking in store!!!!
    So happy for you all!!!!!!
    p.s. loved this creative post!!!

  10. WOW!!! That's the best project ever!!! Congratulations to you and your beautiful family!! I hope you are feeling ok...I know pregnancy can be so tiring sometimes...especially with 2 other little ones to look after! It's so worth it, though, isn't it? :)


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee