Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summertime Brings

A new screen door installed by the ever-so-handy hubs - I'm in love!

Sunny, casual, summer skirts worn 'round the house...

Yummy 25 cent finds at yard sales - a French grammar book! I clutched it to my chest and ran!

Summer blooms outside my office window...

Hope you are enjoying these early summer days too!


  1. i love your new screen door! and that book is perfect! enjoy!

  2. Hi! I LOVE your new screen door - perfectly country.
    I've really enjoyed reading through all your past posts - you have a wonderful blog!

    Sarah xo

  3. The screen door looks FAB! Good job to the hubby. :)

  4. Oooh...I love the screen door. We have ordered new doors for our porch that will FINALLY swing out instead of in and I can't wait to open them on a cool night and listen to our waterfall! OMG...my daughter would have fought you for that French grammar book. LOL She just finished her 5th year of French!!

  5. totally swooning overthe detail n the door... Justlovely!

    ~ Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"

  6. I love your blog and seeing all your wonderful projects!...I too, frequent the thift and yard sale goodies....Love the hunt and sweet treasures. To paint and trasform is such a thrill for me as well, you have given me some wonderful tips by sharing some of your painting tricks. Thank you:D
    Your porch looks great~I just bought two old windows to hang on my back patio~thanks for the inspiration! ~Katie

  7. I love your screen door. It is a perfect fit!! Where did you find it? Thanks Jaime

  8. I've been looking for a screen door VERY similar to that one. Can you tell me where you found it?

  9. the french grammer book- "gets me going!"

  10. I'd still love to know where you purchased your screen door.

    Did you order it online?


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee