Friday, July 2, 2010

Sneak Peaks and Some Ramblings

I promised to give you some sneak peaks of Jack's nautical-inspired bedroom, so here you go! I'm not finished yet, but I'll show you some of what I've been working on.

This old, peely, chippy, blue wooden hook-thingy (aren't I technical??) is what started it all. Literally. I bought it at a barn sale for $2 and it sat out on my porch for a while. I sat and stared at it one day and all these ideas came flooding into my little brain.

I painted this wall, which is in front of the closet, with chalkboard paint. How fun are chalkboards??

I'm afraid I'm obsessed.

Oh, and you can see a little bit of the curtains I made. Talk about easy! I found the fabric yesterday at a fabric outlet for $1.99/yard and bought some rope trip to tie them. It took me about 1/2 hour to sew them - easy peasy!

I created a little reading area in front of the wall. Not that my 18 month old can read yet, but whatever. He's brilliant. He'll probably learn in a few months.

I found the red book organizer at Goodwill and the metal hanging basket is from Ikea (cheap! cheap! cheap!).

I painted this sign from old boards found in our basement. It'll go on top of a dresser in the room.

And Avery & I made this sailboat out of branches and a drop cloth. It goes over the bed, which still needs a boxspring and mattress.

So, there you have it! I'll give more details when I finish up the room. It has been so much fun working on it! I can't even tell you!

I love working with a "theme", although I'm trying not to get kitchy and cliche with it, which can be easy to do.

~ ~ ~ ~

And, just because, here are some thoughts I'm mulling this morning:

1. What if, instead of focusing on the things that we don't have, we would focus on how incredibly blessed we are.

2. What if, when we make more money, instead of buying more things that we probably don't need, we would save it, bless someone by giving it, or figure out how to make our money stretch further.

3. What if, instead of putting so much of our energy into toys, getting the latest and greatest thing, pining for what we want or think we need, we would put all that energy into being more efficient with what we already have.

These thoughts have been challenging me a lot lately. Especially as I am working on the house renovations. And you know what? I'm finding that I can be a lot more creative when I have to improvise and use what I have or find things for little to no money.

And really, I think that people who use what they have to the fullest potential are much more creative and interesting and inspiring, then people who just buy whatever they want, just because they can.

Melissa at The Inspired Room got my wheels turning on the subject with this post.

I hope I haven't offended anyone with my ramblings! What are your thoughts?

"Do what you can,
where you are,
with what you have."

-Theodore Roosevelt

(one of my favorite quotes)


  1. The nautical theme is so cute! And chalkboard in a little boy's room will give hours of fun!!! And I completely agree with what you were saying: my husband and I are about to buy our first home, and my wheels are already spinning about what all we can do... instead, we should focus on what we have and try to bless others instead of ourselves! Love it!

  2. i'm aplauding @ saying a big AMEN! :)

  3. First of all, I love the nautical theme bedroom and what you've done with it so far. So creative and inspiring! It is not cliche whatsoever and is completely adorable.

    Secondly, I love the thoughts you posted at the bottom about making the most of what we have. I feel the same way and have been thinking a lot about that myself. It's so true. Thanks for the great post :)

  4. This room is turning out so cute! I just love the inspiration piece and the chalkboard wall! I agree with your "ramblings" and love to use what I have to decorate and I'm convicted about blessing others instead of getting more for myself. I need to do much more of that!

  5. Amen! I have thought on the same things recently. It seems though that as you make more money you don't become as creative as you were when you were young and broke. We have a son who will enter college next year, so cutting back is priority to be able to put him through college. Great thoughts and the bedroom is so cute. Love it!

  6. Love it all...your theme work and your thoughts!

  7. LOVE the room and love seeing your creative ideas!! The thoughts at the bottom are some I've been thinking about myself...

  8. Hi Amy! Your son's room is adorable! I cannot wait to work on my son's room in our new house. I am loving your theme, just the right amount of personality!!

    And yeah, I of course agree on your thoughts completely!

  9. Jack's room is adorable! I love that Theodore Roosevelt quote, too! I pride myself on living below my means. Being creative is much more fun than spending!

  10. AIMEE!!!
    I love your blog and I nominated you for an award on mine. Here is the post where I talk about you:

    I sent you an email, but maybe you didn't receive it?? Please check it out when you get time.

    Warmly, Michelle

  11. Love the room. You are very creative!

  12. As a nautical lover, I am totally, utterly amazed and in love with the room!!!!!! Those clean, fresh navy and white curtains, paired with every little thing near it, are STUNNING!!! I can hear the waves crashing on the shore and the gulls making noise overhead...ahh....

    As for your thoughts, they are right on. I've had a few like that myself lately.
    Keep on keeping it real!



I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee