Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What I Wore Wednesday - Preggers Edition

I've decided to join The Pleated Poppy in her "What I Wore" series. Not because I'm proud of my clothes. Or think I have a great fashion sense. THAT is laughable!! But I think it's fun to see what other people are wearing, so I thought I'd throw my hat in the ring too.

I didn't take a picture every day, because I figured you guys don't want to see my painting uniform (basically a tank and shorts with paint splattered all over them) or my pj's.

So here goes my What I Wore - Preggers Edition...

Little miss Avery wanted to join me on this one. See how her head is hiding part of my hips? That's called strategery. :)

Thursday: I think I was running errands, but I don't really remember.
White jacket - Goodwill
Blue/green tank - Target
White capris - Gap (outlet)
Pink sandals - Clarks (outlet)
Necklace - gift
Avery's dress - yard sale

(Pic taken at my aunt's house)
Saturday: Now you can really see the baby bump! I was visiting relatives in Ohio, which meant lots of eating out, shopping, and gabbing on this particular day.

Jacket - Plato's Closet (consignment shop)
Blue/green tank - Target (same as before)
White capris - Gap (outlet)
Pink sandals - Clarks (outlet)
Necklace - gift
Hmmm, noticing a trend? Are you sick of seeing the same clothes yet??

Tuesday: I took the kids to the coffee shop and worked around the house on this day. Was pretty lazy about the hair, so I wore a hat.

White jacket - Goodwill
Pink tank - Target
Jeans (rolled up into capris) - Old Navy
Silver necklace - don't remember where I got it
Pink sandals (do I wear these too much??) - Clarks (outlet)
Hat - Goodwill
Flower ring - Claire's

So there you have it! And now I'm totally embarrassed for having a post of pictures of me. But whatever! Join me!


  1. Got on here from Pleated Poppy!
    I love your baby bump!! I want to be preggers again, so badly!
    And I love that you shop at goodwill! I love shopping there, or any 2nd hand store....most of my fav clothes come from those stores!

    Nice to read your post! have a great day!!

  2. Aimee,
    You look so darn cute! Love the baby bump!! I hated to spend money on prego clothes...knowing I'd probably only wear them once (kids were born in different seasons).

  3. Love these outfits! You look great and that baby is darn cute!

  4. thanks for last night, yet again!
    you look FAB!

  5. Seriously, you are just too adorable. I love the layering, the hat, and of course the bump. :)

  6. Adorable, Aimee! Love the mirror too, lol!


  7. You are so cute with your prego self!
    Love all our outfits! Found your cute blog on the pleated poppy.

  8. this was awesome! i loved it so much. you look super. :) hey, i wish i had known you were in ohio last weekend. oddly enough, there was a 3 day weekend, bloggers meet-up in ohio with 23 ladies mostly meeting for the first time. had i known, i SO would have made you show up...

  9. I too came over from wiww! Your bump is seriously adorable! I'm positive I'll love reading your blog, because I love to plan parties and decorate too. Glad I found ya! Newly following!

  10. VERY cute outfits, especially since you are SO cute pregnant!

  11. Hey, I just awarded you with the blog with substance award! I love everything you do! Congrats!
    Stevie at: Home is Where My Heart is :)

  12. You look adorable! Love the white capris. I wish I would have looked that good pregnant :)

  13. You are such a beautiful preggo lady! :)

    What a great idea! I love seeing what you wear, especially b/c you DO have fashion sense, even if you don't think so!!!

  14. Seriously, give yourself some credit. You always look great, prego or not!

  15. hello!!!

    you are rockin the bump!
    all your outfits look wonderful on you.

    nice to meet you.coming over for wiww


  16. You make me 'almost' want to be pregnant again - and that is giving you a HUGE compliment! You look adorable!
    I've thought about doing this as well and chickened out. ( :
    I noticed you were in Ohio last weekend as well - would have been so fun to see you.

  17. Your daughter is so cute! I love your baby bump!

  18. You look lovely - finding clothes that fit when you are expecting is a nightmare, but you seem have managed very well!

  19. So cute! Love that baby bump. Your jackets/sweaters are great!


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee