Monday, August 2, 2010

Coffee shop art...and the kiddos

Last week I picked up a few humongo monster windows from a church that was being renovated. I just couldn't resist. Even though I could barely fit them into my little SUV (they were about 5 feet by 4 feet). Good thing the kids weren't sitting in the car or they would have gotten squished.

Oh, the things I do in the name of creativity.

So I decided to use one of them as artwork for my sister's coffee shop. I painted chalkboard paint on the glass (4 coats), then just scribbled on some drawings and a quote with chalk ink and regular chalk.

Have you tried chalk ink yet? It's marvelous. You can find it at craft stores like Michael's.

While the hubster was hanging the window for me at the shop, I took some pictures of the cute little place.

Aaaand, just because my kiddos take up about 96.3 % of my life, I thought I'd throw in some recent photos.

Kids + cardboard box = hours of enjoyment. It's the simple things that are the most fun, I think!

And being just plain silly.

I just want to gobble them up sometimes. And sometimes I want to throw them out the door. You moms relate, I'm sure. But mostly, I just love 'em and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world!


  1. Well, aren't you the sweet sister? You are amazing... and your kids are adorable, too!

  2. Aimee,
    I love the chalkboard window! I never would have thought to paint the glass panes. The kids are too cute...yes, refrigerator boxes ranked at the top when I was a kid!!

  3. Is that the same church I'm thinking of? I believe there are a few in hubbys shop for you as well. :) I guess the memo didn't make it to you.

  4. I found your blog through someone else's blog and I just wanted you to knowhow much I enjoyed browsing throughy each page. In fact I have added it to my blog list if thats okay.I love to find blogs that inspire me to create and I believe yours will be one I visit often.


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee