Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Saved from the brink of certain death

I spied this old door in the bottom of the hub's trash pile a little while ago and begged him to let me keep it!

Isn't it just perfection??

Our attic, basement, and garage are a treasure-trove of old doors and windows left by previous owners and my husband sometimes doesn't appreciate the - ahem - character that I see in this old stuff!

He just wants to clean up and get rid of it!

But the chippyness and gray patina on this baby just called my name. And I answered.

So I propped it up against our garage, but I think it will have to make it's way into our house soon. It's just too perfect!


  1. Just LOVE it! Can I come shop in your attic? :) heehee!

    ~Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"

  2. Nice, I'd love a go at your garage/basement, lol!


  3. Oh she is perfect! A cross between a french and dutch door :)
    Hey, let me know if you need any help cleaning out your basement....hint hint ;)


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee