Friday, October 29, 2010

The leaves, they are a changin'!

We've been having some fun outside with the beautiful warm fall weather around these parts lately.

The other day we ventured out to a little petting zoo that the kids just love.

I'm trying to do some special things with the kiddos before the baby comes (NEXT WEEK!!), although I barely have enough energy to keep up with them most days!

Let's just say afternoon naps are a necessity these days. And there aren't many house projects getting done right now.

I mustered up enough energy last week to put out some fall decorations with my mom's help. I don't do a lot of seasonal decorating, but I'm enjoying the autumn colors in the pumpkins and the mums.

I found this antique metal bread pan at a barn sale last week and just had to get it! Isn't it cool?


  1. Looks like fun and I love your fall touches. Best wishes getting baby #3 here next week! Hope it goes quickly and smoothly!

  2. Aimee, i had a dream about you last night...have no idea why, but i dreamt you guys had triplets...and you were so calm and graceful with the 3 babies. it felt so real i almost felt like i needed to call you this morning to see if it was true..haha

  3. I love the old metal bread pan...very unique!! So many things you could do with that.
    happy to see you are enjoying the fall season with your little ones!

  4. As always great stuff around the house. Love the fall accents!! Best of luck to you next week. Super exciting stuff.


  5. love your fall decor and I'm excited you get to meet your newest bundle of joy!!!!


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee