Friday, December 17, 2010

Canvas Wall Art

New discovery: Getting 6 straight hours of sleep actually makes me a pleasant person to be around! Wow, I feel like a new woman thanks to the hubs getting up during the night to feed the baby a bottle! Yay for helpful husbands!!

Someone requested an art piece similar to the canvas art on Red Letter Words (which I LOVE, by the way!).

I haven't used canvas a lot, so it was fun trying something new. Now I want to make some of these for my house!

I also made another canvas art piece similar to the one I made for my bedroom and have put it in my Etsy shop. **Edited: This sign has sold and I've received several requests from people, so I will make a few more to put in the shop in the next few weeks.

It has the lyrics for the song "O How He Loves Us", which is one of my favorites.

It's almost the weekend! It's amazing how much I look forward to Saturdays and Sundays right now! Having the hubs home for two whole days is priceless!!

Have a great one!


  1. beautiful! Have a wonder-filled season :)

  2. Are you planning on putting another canvas in your store of "Oh How He Loves Us?" I see that your first has already sold and I would be interested in purchasing one. Love that song.

  3. Melissa - I will be making some more of the "Oh How He Loves Us" canvases to put in the Etsy shop in the next few weeks. Thanks! ~Aimee

  4. I LOVE the 'prayed for this child' one. Will you be making more of them to sell? We are getting an adoption room ready and that tan color scheme is perfect for it! I will buy if you will make-heehee!

  5. I love your canvas art so pretty!
    Thanks for your visit! I hear your pain about the sleep! Something us moms never forget. Someday you will have 8 hours straight :)XO

  6. Personal portraits and family photographs are both popular choices for photo canvas prints. These can be taken as highly stylized, formal shots, or they can be very naturalistic, "spur of the moment" pictures, depending on what your personal style or preference is..
    canvas art

  7. THANK YOU!! I just received my sign (the one featured above)for Christmas from my sister in law, Glenda! It was by far my favorite gift. I can't wait to hang it in the nursery:) You did an awesome job, thanks!

  8. I will buy one of the canvas "oh how He loves us"! if you have enough to go around?
    Could you let me know?
    my e-mail is

  9. Let me know if you are making more of Oh How He Loves Us--

    Sorry to hear about Violet. My heart is heavy for you and have been in your shoes. I don't think Austin was as little but know you are worn out.

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I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee