Monday, December 6, 2010

One Month

So Miss Violet is now one month old. How time flies! Honestly, it's been a very challenging month. She still is a very good, content baby, but the older two kiddos wear me out at times!

Jack has decided that he is now a two-year-old and loves to tear the house apart. And Avery has decided that she needs to take care of disciplining him, which he obviously just loves (yeah, right).

Remember that laundry chute I told you about in the last post? Well, last week Jack emptied out his entire dresser of clothes, socks, pjs, you name it, and threw it all down the chute. Nice. I guess he thought I looked bored and needed something to do.

Three little kiddos = not much free time for this tired mama!

Anyway, enough complaining!! Violet gave us her first real smile for the first time this weekend! It's so fun to see some interaction from her! Makes me look forward to all the "firsts" that we'll see in the coming months.

She is such a little sweetie and so far has kept all of her beautiful black hair that I just can't get enough of. We love her to pieces!!


  1. she is a beautiful baby. hang in there. I survived 7 babies.

  2. Oh Aimee, she is sooo BEAUTIFUL! Hang in there sweetie, this too shall pass, and it will pass all too quickly! They grow up sooo fast!


  3. I am right there with you struggling along with my 3 including my two year old boy! You are right; it is tough! I am having to learn to let go of some things which has made things a little easier mentally anyway. Hang in there!

  4. Wow, time flies! She is precious. Too funny about Jack (well, not for you).

  5. A little's normal, it's one way little kids cope with change, but you know that. All three kids are charmers; i bet everyone loves that mop of dark hair on the baby!

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I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee