Sunday, December 26, 2010

"Parenting is not for the faint of heart"

This is what our doctor told me just after he said that we would most likely be spending Christmas in the hospital. And, unfortunately, that's what happened.

Early last week baby Violet had a stuffy nose that progressed to a cough, then on Thursday evening she had a very high fever. Our doctor met me & Violet in the ER at midnight on Thursday while hubs stayed home with Avery & Jack.

She had tests done that night which confirmed our doctor's opinion that she had RSV-bronchiolitis as well as a secondary infection that is causing a high fever. When I took her to the ER I expected that she would be released that night, but her little body is taking longer than normal to recover from this, and we are still in the hospital.

She is getting nebulizer treatments, steroids, antibiotics and is now on an IV because she is losing weight.

Her oxygen levels aren't staying where they should be because she can't get much air into her lungs, so they are giving her oxygen to help. She should make a full recovery - it's just taking her body a while to get over this.

The past few days have been a whirlwind of emotions, disappointments, missing the children, sleepless nights, sadness about missing Christmas, and all that goes with having a child in the hospital. Hubs and I have both been staying with her almost all the time, because she needs to be held in an upright position to be able to breathe well. We take turns holding her and sleeping in the cot in her room. But needless to say, we are pretty worn out.

Accepting the fact that we would be missing Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with our kids and family was hard for me to deal with. Let's just say the holidays did NOT turn out the way we expected! But once I accepted it, I was able to move on and focus on taking care of Violet.

One step at a time, one day at a time, one moment at a time...I'm trying not to look too far ahead to the future or I just get totally overwhelmed. It tears my heart out to see her in pain. I think just about the worst feeling a mama can experience is to see her child suffer. For now, we are at the hospital with our sweet girl and will probably be there for a few more days.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!


  1. Aimee,
    I am so sorry to hear about Violet being sick. Praying she gets to feeling better. I'm glad you took her though, as RSV can be very dangerous for a young infant.

  2. praying for your whole family. I had two children with RSV and my little Grandson had it. It is tuff on a mommy. So sorry your Christmas was ruined but Know God is in control and she will soon be healthy again and you will be home with your whole family.Much love to you

  3. I don't know you personally but I hear your mothers heart in your post and I remember those emotions. It is hard watching your little baby stuggling to breathe. Take care of YOU - you are a gift to your little one as she is to you.
    Blessings to you!

  4. Praying for you. Reading this post brought up memories of me going through this same thing last year. I remember how incredibly draining it was on me, my husband, and our other children. I'll pray for a quick recovery for Violet and for rest for you so that you can be the best mom you can be.

  5. I am so sorry you missed Christmas with your family and that your sweet little Violet is in the hospital. I will be praying for her quick recovery.

  6. I never ever post on blogs but after web surfing today - I ran across this blog and read your story. I understand how you feel. It's hard having a baby in the hospital and two other children at home that need you. But know that Christmas is not ruined just delayed for a few days. Soon you will all be back home and you can celebrate it together. That is what is important. Violet is your Christmas Miracle. Along with the Nurses and Doctors who are acting as angels taking care of her. May you and your family have a Merry Christmas (when you can celebrate) and a blessed New Year.

  7. I just wanted to say our prayers are with you. We were in the hospital last year with my, then newly 3 yr old. She was in the PICU for 4 days and a stepdown unit for 3 days. She had RSV and pneumonia. One of her lungs was nearly collapsed. It was a scary time and there were times we weren't sure if she'd make it at all. But I want you to know that these days will pass, little Violet will be healthy again and you and your family will enjoy a Christmas all of your own that will be even more special in its own right. You'll have a new badge of courage and a fabulous story and reminder of God's faithfulness, provision and protection. His eye IS on the sparrow and He watches over each of you. Violet is His precious daughter and He has a magnificent plan for her life and for each of you, even through these days of turmoil.
    Praying for you all to know the sustaining peace and presence of God as you walk through these days. And praying for sweet Violet to be healed, breath with ease and be fever free. God is faithful!

  8. praying for you.
    maddie was put back into the hospital for RSV at about 9 months of age and it was so difficult to see her fight and suffer.
    i can relate!
    i pray you find peace & strength my friend.

  9. Oh, Aimee, praying for you, your whole family, and especially Violet! I'm so sorry you "missed" Christmas, but I'm SO thankful she's slowly getting better. I will continue praying for strength and healing for Violet, and peace, rest, and energy for you guys! -shaunna :)

  10. Oh no, I am sooo sorry to read this... I will be praying for your sweet family...

  11. But you, LORD, do not be far from me. You are my strength; come quickly to help me.
    Psalm 22:19

    I will be on my knees for you and sweet violet tonight!

  12. Such a shame but at the same time I'm so glad the medical team were there for her and she will get better. Take care all of you, I hope the new year brings some good luck.

  13. i've been thinking and praying for you and sweet Baby Violet since Thursday night....i'm anticipating your "normal" day right around the corner. normal never felt so good!

    When we were in the hospital with Tyler my sister would send me a text that would say, "YOU CAN DO TODAY" and so I pass that along to you!!!

  14. Love you guys! You know we are thinking of and praying for you and little miss Violet!

  15. So sorry to hear your little one is in the hospital.It has to be sooooo hard.Praying that she'll soon be"all better"!May you feel HIS presence & strength!

  16. You had a rough sorry! Praying that she makes a full recovery quickly. Hang in there!

  17. Praying for you, your family, and your sweet little Violet.

  18. Oh no! I am sorry to hear Violet is so sick, and for her 1st Christmas too! You can always celebrate once she is better though; children don't really care about the calendar date, just the experience. My heart goes out to you and how exhausted you must be with such an emotional ordeal. I've spent hours in the ER with both of my kids, but thankfully neither of them ever needed to be admitted. Seeing them suffer and worrying about them is so awful! I'll be praying for all of you!

  19. I'm 62 and never heard of this RSV, thank goodness. I watch your blog regularly and am quite attached to seeing updates on these adorable kids of yours. I'm praying for her swift and complete recovery!!My 31-year old son who shares the birthday with Violet, got pneumonia when he was two and had to spend a weekend in the hospital. That was back in days when they kicked the parents out after 9PM! God Bless!

  20. You Poor thing, She is just such a doll, I went through same thing with my daughter when she was 5 1/2 weeks old, except she had a Urinary Tract infection- we were there for a week-and i couldnt bare to have her sleep in the cage, so i held her-slept with her in my arms, no shower, barely ate- But sure makes you stronger and so Greatful..
    Cant wait to see pics of her back at home..
    Said a Prayer for little sweetpea.

  21. She is just precious. Praying for recovery, wisdom for the doctors, and grace for you to walk this journey.

  22. Aimee,

    Praying for a quick time at the hospital. Hershey Med is amazing they are always so kind when we go. I saw you lived in Lancaster County, please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. We live here too. I'd love to bring your family a meal or whatever might be a blessing.:)

  23. Praying for your beautiful girl and praying for peace for her mamma's heart as well.

  24. Good Grief! You are right in the middle of that freakin' blizzard! Hope the hospital is not too far away. And hope to Goodness the baby is doing better today!

  25. So sorry baby Violet is sick! If I can offer support from someone who has totally been there...last new years my son (he was 1 at the time) got a hold of a bottle of extra strength tylenol and ate about 11 pills. After rushing him to the ER and then getting transfered to the Children's hospital we were told hat he may have permenent liver damage and have health issues for the rest of his life. God is so gracious though and the medicine worked amazing and he is good as new today! We were in the hospital, holding our precious son on new years eve of last year. We were lucky though and only had him to care for at that we weren't missing other babies at home. I will be praying for a quick recovery for your precious girl! Happy new year!!

  26. Aw, I'm so sorry to hear that your little one has been so sick. :( I pray for healing for Violet and strength for you.

  27. Prayers are with you for you and your family.


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee