Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day Ten

It's Saturday night and I'm sitting at the Ronald McDonald House by myself since Hubs went home to be with the kids, and I'm wondering where in the world the last ten days went.

It all seems like a dream. Not a good dream but not a nightmare either. When I start to feel sorry for myself, I just look around and see all the hurting people around me and my life starts to look pretty good. Really good, actually.

Ten days ago I took Violet to the hospital thinking that we would be there for just a few hours. I never would have imagined that it would take this long for her to recover from what I thought was a bad cold.

The past few days she has made slow but steady progress. Yesterday her oxygen tube came out and she did really well breathing on her own. Her feeding tube also came out and she took a bottle like a champ. And they let me hold her for the first time since leaving the other hospital!

This morning the doctor told me that as long as she doesn't have any issues, she will probably be discharged tomorrow! Such GREAT news!

I spent the day beside her bed as I have for the past ten days, and it was the first day that she really started to look more like herself. Especially since all the tubes have been taken off her face. She smiled so easily and didn't have the horrible-sounding cough and raspy-scary breathing like she used to.

It was really hard for me to leave her hospital room tonight. Harder than any other night. I feel so guilty and sad about her spending the night in the hospital room all by herself. I think it's because she looks so much more healthy now and it just doesn't seem right for her to be there. In my head I know that the nurses will take good care of her, but nothing is better than the love of a mama, right?

Last night was New Year's Eve, and we spent it at the Ronald McDonald House with some good friends who came to spend the time with us. We didn't really feel like going out to celebrate. It's been really, really hard for me to be away from the hospital. Seems like my heart is ripped out every time I leave my baby.
But hopefully tomorrow will bring good news, and we will be able to take her home! I know that there will be adjustments for all of us, but I'm ready (I think) to get started and get back to normal! The one good thing about the experience is that I've had lots of time to just sit and read and it's forced me to s l o w d o w n. And appreciate the little things in life instead of stressing about everything that I want to accomplish.
We'll see what tomorrow brings!


  1. So glad she is doing better. Praying that tomorrow will bring good news.

  2. Hi Aimee,
    I found your blog several weeks ago when a friend showed me and my bestie your adorable decorating sense! I just wanted to come out 'lurking' to say hello and encourage you in this valley ... it sounds like you're getting ready to head back up the mountain :).
    Although the timing sure seems like the worst time, I'm sure in years to come you'll be able to remember the growing that happened in this season. God really stretches us with our children, doesn't He? I have to continually remind myself that He created my son, He gave me my son and He loves my son so much more than I do. And knowing that, I can trust Him with my son.

    Praying this is the end of this valley for you and your year will start on the mountain!!

  3. Aimee,
    My thoughts are with you and your family. I can't imagine how hard it must be for you to see your little girls like this. Here's hoping she gets well soon!


  4. Aimee,
    So glad to hear she is doing better and getting stronger each day. Praying you all receive good news tomorrow and that she can go home. Thanks for the reminder to slow down...sometimes we all need to reminded of what's truly important!

  5. Congrats--sounds like good news, still praying. The Ronald Mcdonald house is an amazing place. We spent 3 weeks there and continue to support them. They truly do a good thing for families.

  6. I am so happy to hear that your sweet little Violet is starting to feel better. I pray she gets to go home soon! It would be torture sleeping apart from your new little baby. Praise goes to you mama for being so strong. These pictures where she is staring at you with those big eyes are just a treasure. So beautiful!

  7. The cutie pie is looking at you so sweetly in that photo. Praying for good news and homecomings.

  8. Aimee! I simply cannot imagine!!!! I have been praying ever since Chandra told me your precious Violet was in the hospital. Our babies are only a few weeks apart in age and reading your blog made me cry imagining how difficult this is for you seeing your baby sick and being away from her. I dont think i could do it. She is an absolute doll with that full head of beautiful hair! Love & Prayers, Karen

  9. I hope she comes out tomorrow, take care little one, shes such a cutey.

  10. So glad to hear that she is recovering! Violet, you, and your family are in my prayers today. I hope you get to bring her home today!

  11. Violet looks so glad to have her mommy back! She looks like she's starting to feel better, too. I hope you all get to go home; I was very worried about her!

  12. Can't wait to see you guys again!!

  13. So cute the way Violet is looking at you in the some of the pics!She definitely looks like she's feeling better(according to the pics taken earlier at ECH).Praying that she can come home soon!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee