Sunday, June 5, 2011

Jack & the Giant S'more

Eating is serious business for this kid.

"Go big or go home" is his motto.

When it comes to food, anyway.

It doesn't matter how sticky it is, or messy, or dirty. If it's food, he'll eat it.

Well, he might not eat it if it's a vegetable. Or anything resembling a vegetable.

But s'mores aren't vegetables.

So, he was happy to chow down.

Summertime means camp fires, late nights with friends, getting dirty, playing hide and seek outside with flashlights, rolling in the grass, and guessed it...S'MORES!

Oh, happy day - summertime is HERE!!


  1. He's really enjoying that! I don't think our little boy has ever had 'smores. We need to fix that this summer. Love your new header!

  2. Jack is just the cutest little guy EVER! Love the way he holds his pinky while he's totally enjoying his treat :)


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee


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