Friday, November 4, 2011

Violet Turns One!

Violet's birthday is tomorrow but we celebrated with a little party last night at my parents' house. It's always amazing when your baby turns one - time just seems to fly on by.

Violet is a serious little girl. Just like Jack used to be. He is now the funniest little guy you'll meet, so we'll see how Violet's personality changes. Violet fits right into our family. She loves following after the older two and loves exploring the house.

I often think about what a hard winter we had last year. She developed RSV when she was 7 weeks old and we spent Christmas and New Years in the hospital with our sick little girl. But she doesn't seem to have any effects from her illness and has been very healthy, which is a major blessing.

When I was 14 weeks pregnant with her, we thought we lost her. Every day I am so thankful for her little life and I don't ever take it for granted. She is a gift.

Her little cousin Will, who is about 3 months younger than her.

Yeah, so you'll notice that I didn't make a homemade cake. I know, shame on me. Baking is just not something I enjoy, so I took the easy route and bought one.

Have a great weekend!


  1. What great photos and I love that Violet got a cake to herself!

  2. Love her! Happy 1st birthday, Violet! :)

  3. Awww happy birthday little one!

    Love your entry makeover. I love, love, love the crates! How clever are you?!?!? :)

  4. WOW-how the time flys..SHe is such a doll..and love the older siblings cute..
    happy 1st birthday!!

  5. Happy birthday Violet!I love the photos...especially the one with her hands in the air! She is adorable!

  6. She is so sweet! What a precious gift from God!


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