Monday, March 19, 2012

Hello Monday

It's Monday! Time for a fresh new week. YES.

I'm linking up with the fabulous Lisa Leonard for some pictures and "Hello Mondays" today.

Hello playing outside in the BEAUTIFUL Spring weather and getting filthy. This little girl knows how to walk but prefers to crawl when she's outside.

 Hello playing tennis out on the driveway with Jack, who loves every minute of it.

Hello massive barn doors that hubs cut down for me to create some more signs. Love that man.

Hello painting outside in the warm sunshine. 

Hello little helpers. I can't resist letting them "help" me. They love it.

Hello putting the finishing touches on this door. It's a good feeling!

I hope your Monday is filled with singing birds and warm breezes! What are you thankful for this week?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Aimee~

    I love your work~ i was wondering if you could name some of the fonts that you use on your signs i LOVE the font on your Jer.33 painting. I am in the process of painting a few for my home~ but it is taking so much time hunting for fonts. would you be willing to give me the names? thank you for your time and your work is beautiful~ and God Bless



I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee