Friday, May 25, 2012

What I've been pinning

Friday is here! Lots of picnics and BBQs planned for our holiday weekend. How about you?

So, I thought I'd share some of my recent pins with you today. (I assume you've heard of Pinterest? If not, I feel sorry for you. You are totally missing out, my friend.)

I just made these crockpot chicken tacos this week and they were super yummy. Click the picture for the recipe. I've been using the crockpot a lot recently ~ it's so handy!

These floors are such an inspiration to me as I'm coming up with ideas for a space in our house that we are turning into an art studio for me. To say I'm excited about the new space is a complete and utter understatement. I'm giddy, I tell ya! Details to come!! EEEK!

I really want an old pull-down map. Like, really badly.

I have a thing for white bedrooms. And this one is just perfection. Cozy, lots of textures, old wood...sigh, it's perfect.

Isn't this the cutest idea for a kids' space? I just love the world cut out on the wall. So cool

Some craft space ideas. Love it.

Really like this color combo and the vintage-ness of the outfit. Super cute.

You can see all my Pinterest boards here.

Have a great weekend friends!


  1. Great inspiration. All of them were just my thing, but the last, with the mustard like sweater was perfection. Great choices.

  2. great pins. i too pinterest, can't get enough. the stecil floor is awesome!! would love to see a tutorial if you do it in your art room.



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