Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Cutting Back & Slowing Down

Summer is here, and I've come to realize that I need to cut back on my work load. It's just not possible to keep up with my paintings, as well as do all the fun things that come along with summer.

So, I'm cutting back on the number of custom orders I'll be accepting this summer. Which means I'll have to say "no" a lot, and I don't like doing that. But it's what is best for my family and especially my kids right now.

 Hopefully this will give me more opportunity to stock up my Etsy shop. I haven't had much available in the shop the past few months, since I've been mostly working on custom orders.

At the end of the summer, I'm planning on taking more custom orders again. If you are interested in placing an order, send me an email and I can give you more details ~ maweaver1@gmail.com.

This sign was inspired by this one that's been floating around Pinterest lately. It was a very easy one to make. I used old unpainted boards, cut them to a similar size, then attached them together using boards on the back. Then I stained them a dark walnut color and hand painted the lettering. The fonts I used are Engravers MT and Respective.

The sign was custom-made for my dear friend Janelle who is expecting a baby in just a few short weeks! You must check out her amaaaazing vintage nursery here!! It is adorable!


  1. Good for you! Enjoy your summer - they are only little once. Says a mom who's kids are now 16 and 13, in the blink of an eye it seems!

  2. That turned out nice! Did Merle let you do the technical stuff? : ) I wish it was as easy for me to cut back...I'm worried about keeping summer fun along with all of the bags. Not my burden to bear though, I guess!

  3. Yay! You are spot-on with my theme of the summer, too! :)

  4. good job aimee. no regrets.

    AND I LOVE MY NEW SIGN....can't wait to hang it in our home!

    see you next week, (if baby doesn't show up before then).

  5. Someone just mentioned you as their favorite artist over on my blog so I had to come and take a peek. Stunning work, Lady!!

    1. Thank you!! You are one of my fav bloggy girls ~ love your writing style and you totally crack me up! :)


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee