Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Just snooping

You know how I like to snoop through people's houses to see what they look like? You probably do the same thing. There is something about seeing the inside of a person's home that makes you understand them better. You can see their personality better. What they enjoy. What they are passionate about.

I took some photos recently of my neighbor and friend Chandra's home and thought I'd share them. They moved in a few years ago, and I've been helping her update her home a bit and add more of her style into the space.

And, goodness, it's been fun! Chandra is probably the most out-going, vibrant, positive person I have ever met in my life. No exaggeration. You can't not have fun when you're with her.

:: the playroom ::

:: entry / hallway ::
We found so many great things at Ikea for her house, like the red linen cabinet (above) and the side table and picture frames (below).

:: family room ::

:: front entry ::

:: sun room ::

I love Chandra's style - lots of white, beach, cozy, and liveable (she has three young kids)...her sun room makes me want to curl up with a magazine and a cold lemonade!

Hope you are staying cool wherever you are!


  1. I want everything in these pictures! She has great style!

  2. Do I see some of your artwork on the walls? :-) love the brick wall in the sunroom. Joyce

  3. LOVE her entry!!! Especially the bench!!

  4. ha.ha.ha. chandra is DEFINATE-LY the most crazy, fun, energetic, postitive person i have ever met as well. :) ~missy king.

  5. Hi Amy, Where did she get the entry bench and shelf? I want them!!!

    1. The entry bench and shelf came from a local store - Flower & Craft Warehouse in Blue Ball, Pa.


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee