Friday, August 10, 2012

One of my favorite girls in the world

Oh, how I love this little blanket-loving, mommy-clinging, trouble-making, adventure-finding little girl.

I just can't help it.

I love opening her door in the morning and seeing her big smile and her chubby arms waiting for me to pick her up. I love the way she says, "bebest!" (breakfast) first thing in the morning. Even though an almost-two-year-old demands lots of time and attention, she is worth it all.

My girl.

Her nursery is one of my favorite rooms in the house. What originally was a tiny storage room has turned into a cozy and calm space, perfect for Violet.

Perfect for snuggling and reading books and sucking thumbs.


I am so incredibly blessed to have these little children, and I try to remember that every day. I am so undeserving. Thank you Jesus.

Enjoy your weekend, friends!


  1. Aimee, I love reading your blog. This post is So sweet; your little Violet is ONE MORE little ANGEL. What a doll... I LOVE the Nursery with ALL the little details!

  2. Hello Aimee, I am glad that I visited your post. Having a children is a blessing from the heaven above and I think you just deserve that. Anyways, I love your post and I find it well organized. Thank you.


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee