Friday, August 31, 2012

Studio Reveal

The studio is pretty much finished, and I have some "after" pictures to show you!
Here are some "befores", when it was an efficiency apartment that we rented out...

And the "afters"...
We decided not to paint the floors like we originally planned. We sanded the floor really well, then put three coats of a protective finish on it. The floor is one of my favorite things about the room. I really love the natural look in this room. It suits the space perfectly.
We bought almost nothing for the space. We already had all the furniture, we re-used the cabinets from the original apartment, and I shopped my attic for the accessories.

My work table is an old cabinet that we found for free along the side of the road a few years ago. The top of the table is an old door that we cut down to fit the cabinet.

A sign in progress...
I used lots of vintage green jars that I got recently from my mother-in-law.


That large old map was the inspiration for the colors in the space. I found it in the trash along the side of the road (yes, I have no shame).  I framed a few old maps I found at a yardsale and hung them next to the map. I'd love to find some old globes yet to go in the bookcase. Husband made the bookcase many years ago for my crafting supplies, but it was in Avery's room for a while because I didn't have a place to put it anywhere else.
The kid table came from Goodwill and the chairs were from the old New Holland Elementary school which was torn down. They were originally pink, and I spraypainted them blue and silver. Love them.
I made the little chalkboard out of a plastic tray I found on clearance at Hobby Lobby. It originally was red, and I spraypainted it white. Then painted the inside with chalkboard paint.

I covered the window (which wasn't usable) with corkboard (I bought a roll at Michael's) and a chevron-patterned fabric from Hobby Lobby. It's now a handy bulletin board.

I made different "zones" for the space. A work area for me, a sitting area with a chair that I just made a slipcover for, and a play area for the kiddos. I mostly just have their crayons, coloring books, books, puzzles and movies in here.
I'm still on the look-out for more seating for the kids for when they watch movies.
The wall space above the chair will stay empty for the most part. I use it to take pictures of signs I'm working on. The "Lead Me" sign hanging in the picture has been sold.
The little cabinet that the tv is sitting on was white. I painted it with Valspar Twighlight Meadow. Here's a tip when painting small pieces - I bought a sample paint jar from Lowes for around $2 and it was the perfect amount of paint. Instead of buying a whole quart, buying a sample instead saves a lot of $. After the paint dried, I sanded it like crazy with a hand sander and the white paint underneath shows through.

The inside of this door (which goes into the little bathroom) was an old mirror that I painted with chalkboard paint. You can find the "Play" arrow sign in my shop here.

This clock was originally dark red and gold and hung in my sister's coffee shop. As usual, I just spraypainted the crapola out of it with white paint, then painted the numbers on. It worked like a charm!

We all use this space constantly, and I seriously can't get enough of it. It was a lot of work but so worth it. We still need to put in new windows, toekick under the cabinets, and a few other little details. And we also need to eventually renovate the very 1950's bathroom, and I want to spruce up the closet that has a sink.
I love the wall color that I picked out. It was exactly what I wanted - it's a very light taupey-gray that reads slightly green depending on the light. It's called Valspar Woodlawn Snow and the trim is Valspar Ultra White.
Linking up to:
Happy long weekend!!


  1. love it!!! well done a great inspiration!!xx

  2. Your Studio looks AMAZING! What a great retreat as well as work space! I am not near as crafty as you but I would love to have a space like this to improve on my not so craftiness :)

    Enjoy, you deserve it!

  3. Aimee!!!!!!!!!
    I AM IN LOVE with this space!!!!
    & I'm so happy for you to have a functional & fun place to continue creating!!!!

  4. Absolutely beautiful!

  5. It's absolutely insane how talented you are! I'm so inspired! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Love it!! It is so beautiful that I ant to move in. :) You are going to have so much fun and get lots of work done in your wonderful new space!

  7. Aimee, I am so excited for you!! It looks awesome. I can't wait to show my husband the before and after pics (we are dorky like that) I love the BLUE, the jars are great! One good thing is the kids have their own little space and can be with you when your painting. =)
    Jennifer CA

  8. I love it! You are amazing and inspiring!
    Melody Landis

  9. I looooooooooooooove it!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. I. Love. It. Not sure if you remember me, but I met you at the coffee shop over the summer and admitted to being your blog stalker (hehe). Your work is so amazing! Are you for hire? Can you come and help me re-pourpose my house and find inspiriation in the boring walls?!?

  11. I love every single little thing about your studio space!! Well done! I wish we were neighbors...

  12. I love every single little thing about your studio space!! Well done! I wish we were neighbors...

  13. So much loveliness in one space - your sense of style is right up my alley! I'm headed right over to check out your other work. =)

  14. I almost didn't open the link because I knew I'd be jealous lol! It's awesome so excited for you, you have some serious talent!

  15. It's beautiful! I'm so glad you have this space. Somehow I get energized looking at other people's ideas. It makes my creative juices flow!

  16. This is an awesome space you have created! You are so talented and I see lots of success in your future!

  17. Wow, I keep looking at these did an amazing job! I got my sister to come and join me in checking out every detail.(yes, we are envious since we would both love a studio like this!)I am in the process of redoing my hobby room and I hope you don't mind if I swipe a few ideas.:)You are such an inspiration! Keep it up!

  18. OH GIRL!
    oh girl, oh girl, oh girl!
    it has totally been "Aimeefied" and it is gorgeous!
    congratulations my sweet friend!

  19. Oh my goodness, Aimee, what a DREAM!! It is all so perfect, so beautiful, so amazing!!
    I love the big windows by your workspace, the blue jars, the maps!! the chalkboards, the blue and silver kids chairs... you just did a fabulous job with it all! LOVE the before and afters!! Creating things must just have taken on a whole new awesome level. :)

  20. This is beautiful! I love it!

    Katie x

  21. I looove this! I could stare all day. And dream and hope that my house will have some similarities!!

  22. Love, love, love the space. It is really great! Happy creating!


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee