Friday, August 17, 2012

This is how we do it

We sneak a cupcake and cram the whole thing into our mouth as quickly as possibly before mommy and daddy can take it away from us.

It's the perfect, no-fail strategy.

Playing in the puddles after a rainy day. And getting pretty filthy in the process. All part of the childhood experience that mommys just have to deal with. As long as it keeps them occupied and they are having fun, I don't really mind the mess.

Have a great weekend! Summer is almost over! GULP


  1. cute!

    It amazes me how much Violet looks like

  2. Awww... It looked like a good cupcake. My mom told me not to eat strawberries out of our patch once. So I grabbed a bunch and shoved them in my pocket. They were there all day because I dared not pull them out. She would know! Not that the big ol' berry stain over my pocket told her anything... Ahhh, childhood!


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