Monday, October 1, 2012

Hello Monday

Hello Monday!

Hello brand spankin' new week!

Hello amazing stuff that husband found for me on Saturday. Just amazing. (if you consider old wood amazing. I'm probably the only one.)

Hello work table that I want to HUG. Hubs found it along the road for free. I swear he has eagle eyes that can spot free things. Stuff that only a DIYer finds useful and beautiful.

But for real, isn't it so cool?? It has a THICK butcher block wood top and a metal base made from pipes. And it is so heavy that I literally couldn't even lift one side off the ground. The baby is solid. I'm racking my brain trying to figure out where to put it (after it gets cleaned up, of course). Maybe the studio...

Hello painting my kitchen today. With little ones running around me all the while. And, as you can see, their feet mysteriously landed on the kitchen WALL. Seriously, I found this after I finished the first coat. And I have not idea how it happened, but I found a certain little girl with paint all over her feet. Please tell me I'm not a bad mother for exposing my children to paint 24/7.

Oh, and by the way, I'll share pics of the finished kitchen soon. The walls had been dark red and I was SICK OF IT. The color just didn't feel like me, so it is gone and I'm in LOVE with my kitchen once again. 

I'm saying Hello with Lisa Leonard today.


  1. LOVE your new table!! So very cool that it was free! And very cool that your hubby has an appreciation for old things.
    Lol, about the little footprints on the wall. Looking forward to seeing your pretty new kitchen. :)

  2. That table is AMAZING! Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  3. The feet on the wall made me laugh out loud! :)

  4. You are not the only one that thinks old wood is cool. I recently started a business making signs out of reclaimed wood in Alaska (so more like old boat wood and such rather than barns, even though yours are AMAZING!!). I can't drive past an old building or pile of wood without geeking out! Love the table too!

  5. Absolutely LOVE that table! I burst out laughing with the foot prints on the wall! I remember things like that happening when my 5 children were little...all I could do was grab my camera. I'm SO GLAD I did! With little just NEVER know what you'll find next! LOVE IT!

  6. WOW! the old doors and that table! love the way you and your hubby work together! I just got rid of a red bathroom, because after 9 years I was sick of it! Especially since the old gentleman that painted it did a slop job at it! Will be checking in to see the updated kitchen color!


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