Friday, November 9, 2012


This morning our local news station WGAL Channel 8 aired an interview that they did with me last week.

I could hardly stand to watch myself. It was like slowly being tortured. For real. I don't know how TV news people do it. So if my voice sounds squeeky or my hair looks weird, I am sorry.

The reporter, Anne Shannon, has been a long-time blog reader of mine and asked if she could feature my blog and business on a segment about "out of the box" businesses that were started from technology. Anne is just the sweetest thing, and we had so much fun gabbing about all the things we have in common.

They were at my house for about 2 1/2 hours, and I learned that it takes a lot of work to make a tv segment that's only two and a half minutes long!

The kids got in on the action too. Jack was fascinated with the big camera. Thankfully, there were no major tantrums or tears caught on tape, but that was probably because their Grammy was taking care of them and let them eat as many cookies as they wanted.

Thank you Anne for featuring my little old self!


  1. Congratulations, Aimmee! I watched the clip and it was wonderful to "meet you" in a video way. I understand how hard it is to watch yourself on tv, but I think you did awesome. I'm so happy that your business is going so well. You're an inspiration!

  2. Great Job! I had no idea you were so close to us. We also live in central PA and love to visit Lancaster County. You have such an amazing talent!

  3. Congratulations on being featured!

  4. I saw it on facebook-you sounded and looked great. So fun! -Heather Bivins

  5. Oh, that was so fun!
    Thank you for sharing that with us.
    It was great! Love your work,

  6. Yea for you! Loved the interview...great job!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Yes!! You did it girl! Congrats. I've had My *PINK* Life blog added to my browser for well over a year. I ck in on your stories weekly. Proud of you and so happy to see your story on the news!

    Your web-friend/viewer - Jennifer CA

  9. Yay! Good for you! You did great!

  10. Hi Aimee,
    Just wanted to say that I'm glad you're being noticed even more. You're a beautiful lady and a great role model and our society could certainly use more examples like you! Oh, and not to mention, you're talented and can put together an outfit that shines and a great wife and mom to top it off.
    Have a blessed and beautiful day!

  11. Hi Aimee,

    I've been following you on Pinterest for a while, absolutely love your signs. Thanks so much for the tutorial too, I've tried my hand at it lately and really, really enjoyed making them (seriously, can't thank you enough for the tutorial!). :)

    I was just looking through your blog and saw this post on your TV interview. First off, congrats for getting interviewed, that's really cool that they interviewed you doing something you love. Second, I had no idea that you lived in the area you do. My mom's side of the family is from that whole area, residing mostly in Elizabethtown and Mt. Joy. It's a section of the country that's near and dear to my heart.

    I've really enjoyed reading your blog and following your posts on Pinterest. Again, thanks for the tutorial (really, it was sooo much fun making the sign for my dining room!).

    Have a great day,

  12. Hi Aimee,

    I have been following your blog for a while. Your site is so inspiring and so great! I am also mom of 1-year-old boy, working as an artist, and Christian. The latest post really wanted me to write comment how strong your faith is and how inspiring it is to see!

    I watched your clip, and you looked great! Your interview was great! I am looking forward to seeing your work more and more.

    Thank you for the inspiration again!



I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee