Monday, January 28, 2013

Shop Update

I just added this sign to my shop this morning. I happen to love this hymn and thought it would be a sweet sign in honor of Valentine's Day.

If you are interested in purchasing it, click here. Keep in mind that this is a one-of-a-kind sign, and I only have ONE available, so scoop it up quickly if you want it!

And here are a few custom signs I've made in the last few weeks...

In February I will start taking new custom orders again on a LIMITED BASIS.

Because of the amount of requests I receive, I can't take everyone's order, but I'll try my best! If you are interested in ordering a sign, visit my website for more info.

H A P P Y  M O N D A Y !


  1. Wow! Love them! "Sail Away With Me" is my fav!

  2. You are so talented! The "Sail Away With Me" is my favorite, too!

    Molly from

  3. If you make any more of the "Tune my heart to sing thy grace", let me know, im interested in buying one :)


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee