Friday, February 8, 2013

Craft Room Inspiration

My new friend Shelly asked me to decorate the craft room/homeschool room in her beautiful new home. I had so much fun coming up with ideas for the space. 

Here are some "before" pics...

And here's what I added to the space...

I printed these free alphabet printables and placed them on the wall inside these frames that I got from a shop that was closing. It was an easy and very inexpensive way to add some color and whimsy to the space.

I made the chalkboard out of an old picture frame by painting chalkboard paint on the glass. I bought various wood letters to create "Read" and painted them all the same blue/green color. The map canvas came from Target.

The room still needs some comfy furniture to fill up the space, but it looks a bit brighter and has more personality now than it originally did.

And just because I happen to LOVE her house, I wanted to share some more pictures that I snapped on the day I was decorating. Here is her AMAAAAZING mudroom...

And her dining room...

Here are a few inspiration pictures from my studio/playroom inspiration board on Pinterest that helped to give me ideas for the space...


  1. LOVE! The alphabet frames are super cute!

  2. LOVE it all! Beautiful! cannot wait to see it in real life! :) it looks so bright & cheery & clean & fresh & peaceful!! great job both of you!

  3. I loved finding your blog today! Your home is so "Happy" feeling! I'm a new follower!!
    Much love dear new friend,

  4. Oh lovely! I missed this earlier. We are certainly loving the "life" you brought to our school/craft room. It's a much happier destination now! My man is happy with it. And my friends ooh & ahh a-plenty. I am SO looking forward to adding the rug and chairs . . . keeping my eyes open and saving the $$. :) Thanks again for what you've done!! I'm going to link to this post if you don't mind.

  5. Oh, it's beautiful!! I love what you've done! And I have had those darling alphabet prints printed for over a year now, with no space to put them but they are just so beautiful! Great great job! :)


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