Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday-Thrift Store Edition & a Birthday

Here I go again - posting my pics for WIWW and feeling awkward as always and as insecure as a 5th grader. If you haven't posted pictures of yourself in front of a mirror for all the world to see, trust me, it's a little intimidating. Do I smile? Do I not smile? Is my stomach sticking out? Does my hair look weird? All kinds of insecurities.

But hopefully it will inspire you (even just a little!) to think about using the thrift store as a way to find unique, fun pieces to add to your wardrobe.

I'm linking up to the Pleated Poppy's WIWW party...

Gray tank: Ross
Yellow cardi: H&M
Belt: H&M
Jeans: Goodwill (Ann Taylor Loft)
Shoes: Goodwill
Scarf: gift from my mom

Dress: Plato's Closet consignment (Anthropologie)
The dress was a total score at just $15!
Shoes: Goodwill

Top: Goodwill (Old Navy)
Skirt: Goodwill (Ann Taylor Loft)
Sandals: Target

And guess who turned five last Thursday?! My Avery Belle, that's who.

And she was beyond excited! She's thrilled about being able to start Kindergarten in the fall, but not so thrilled that her mommy says it's now time to stop sucking her thumb.

She is such a delight to be around. She loves to find little ways to surprise me, plays so well with her little brother (most of the time), and is so sweet and helpful with Violet. She's a dreamer, for sure, and loves to draw and color.

Happy Birthday, mon petit cheri. I love you!


  1. I'm so glad you brave the insecurities! I'm a thrift store shopper in Baltimore and seeing what you find there helps me to try on things I wouldn't have necessarily thought to try. I LOVE this! I also had a thumb sucker - happiest child in the world! Good luck breaking the habit.
    Beth Hess

  2. All of those outfits are adorable, but I love the first one!! I'm also a fellow thrifting.. it's kind of an addiction :)

  3. I like the first outfit! Cute bun, too. I used to live in Lancaster, Lititz, actually. Have a great Wednesday!

  4. That first outfit is so cute! I am going to try to copy you!

  5. I am LOVING the green dress! You got that for a steal! Great find lady!


  6. I can only imagine the awkwardness . . . but I'm glad you do it. I love the third outfit. That skirt is lovely, and the style is mine . . . Thanks for sharing!

  7. Love the outfits! I agree taking pictures of yourself feels weird.

  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE the outfits! I think the yellow cardi is SUPER cute, I'm dying to find one! And that second dress is SOOO pretty!

  9. that anthro dress is awesome--what a find!!


  10. ان عزل اسطح تقوم بعمليات العزل حيث انه كما نعلم ان الاسطح تعرضها الدائم للاشعة والسيول والامطار يهدد حياتنا جميعا ويهدد بحدوث تصدعات خرسانية فى الابنية والعقارات الكبيرة والشديدة جدا مما يجعلنا نسرع فى اجراء اعمال العزل المائى والرطوبة من خلال تنظيف السطح والبدء فى ازالة كافة العوائق والمخلفات التى قد تؤثر باى شكل من الاشكال
    شركة عزل اسطح بالمدينة المنورة
    على اعمال العزل الحرارى او المائى لذلك نحن نقوم من خلال فريق عمل عزل اسطح المنازل بتنظيف الاسطح جيدا قبل البدء فى عمليات العزل للاسطح ومن ثم يتم البدء فى اجراء اعمال العزل الحرارى والمائى معا حيث ان خبراتنا وقدراتنا تجلعنا ننصحكم بعدم الاعتماد على نوع واحد من انواع العزل بل لابد من اتمام العزل الحرارى والمائى معا لضمان اتمام عمليات عزل الأسطح على اكمل وجه وباحسن صورة فنحن نضمن لكم من خلال اجراء اعمال العزل الحرارى بالطبقات الخاصة به بعدم تسرب اى سخونه للجو او الحرارة الى الاماكن والعقارات الخاصة بكم
    عزل اسطح بالمدينة المنورة
    بشكل نهائى تام ولفترات كبيرة قادمة كذلك اعمال العزل الرطوبة او المائى التى تقوم بها شركة العزل تضمن لكم عدم وجود اى تسربات للمياه او الرطوبة للاسطح من جراء السيول والامطار الشديدة.


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee