Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The latest signs {and a little about my bid-ness}

Today I thought I'd share some of my latest signs. If you need ideas for signs, I also have a link on my sidebar where you can see many more that I've done. > > >

Here's a family sign I created with an old door and rustic hinges:

A sign using a door with a verse from Zephaniah...

I really like how this one turned out. It's made from a 16" x 20" canvas.

And this last one is a simple one using canvas as well.

And now, a little bit about my bid-ness. Sorry, I mean business. Whenever I say "business" in my head, I feel all ghetto for some reason.

I started my sign-making business about a year ago and it started really randomly and was not thought-out at all. I made a few signs to hang in my house, because I happen to really like them. People saw them and started ordering them from me.

Last summer I bought some old doors from a reader who lived nearby (thank you Lisa!!) and created some signs using them. I found that old doors and salvaged wood could make some really cool art and started selling them in my Etsy shop.

{This was one of the first art pieces I made using a barn door.}

I made a few signs that got really popular thanks to Pinterest. These are the top two:

I've received hundreds of requests for these signs and, unfortunately, I don't have enough time to make nearly enough to meet the demand, but I do the best that I can.

Now I'm mostly working on custom orders, and I really enjoy the designing aspect of the job. I don't particularly enjoy churning out hundreds of signs that are all mostly the same. But I do occasionally still take orders for the popular signs.

I do almost all the work myself, and I have a few friends who will help me every now and then. Husband is my grunt man. He picks up wood for me, cuts it (power tools make me nervous), cleans the wood, and does all my packaging when the signs are ready for shipping, which takes LOTS of time. I ship 95% of the signs that I make, and they are usually very large and heavy, so it can be tricky. I absolutely couldn't have my business without husband's help. And he really enjoys it, which is awesome.

One of the great things about my business right now is that I can choose the projects and art pieces that I want to work on. And I feel so blessed to be able to have an at-home job where I can take care of my babies and still generate extra income for our family.

My Etsy shop has been pretty empty recently, because I'm mostly making custom pieces right now. But I hope to (someday) get a bit more caught up and add some things to my shop. If you are interested in a sign for your home, send me an email maweaver1@gmail.com and I'd love to work with you!

And if you've ordered a sign from me, thank you!! I've really enjoyed getting to know my clients and have had the most positive, encouraging interaction with everyone I've dealt with. You guys are the best!


  1. Glad the sign we had you create is so popular!
    All your work is amazing!
    (btw-sitting by pool in the Dominican as I type!)

  2. So glad I found your blog!
    -happy customer :-)

  3. Thank you Aimee for your beautiful sign!!! It is hanging in my living room. My small group girls know me soo well and you did a fabulous job making this piece whimsical and fun for a victorian home. Your creativity is inspiring! Thanks for painting this amazing verse that I can enjoy everyday and be reminded of God's goodness in my life. Jess

  4. Thanks for such a pleasant and cheerful post. It is nice to see a grateful heart express "I am really busy" in such a kind manner.

    Your attitude....and the beautiful work you do are much appreciated.

  5. love LOVE lOvE your signs!! & your blog! :) i am *hoping* to get our family name sign as a birthday gift!!! maybe i should start dropping some hints :)

  6. They are are beautiful! Where on earth do you get all of those wonderful pieces of wood?

    1. We live in a farming community and I have lots of access to old barn wood. :)


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee