Monday, April 27, 2009

Ikea Love

Last weekend I made the trek to Ikea in Philly with my sister-in-law and some friends and what a fun day we had!

I can never resist that store! It calls my name!!

Here are a few goodies I got...

A set of hooks for the front entrance...

and a wine glass holder for underneath the cabinet...

Topped off the day with lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and roaming the stores at King of Prussia Mall. Glory!

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It's a beautiful, warm day outside and I'm busy working on making my flower beds look presentable while the kiddos nap...

Enjoy your week!


  1. I'm ready to go it too soon?

  2. You lucky duck! I love what you bought. I have never been to an Ikea store, but I am hoping to get to one soon. The closest one to us is in Minnesota!


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