Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Skirt Transformation

I found this adorable skirt at Goodwill last week and just HAD to have it! It was a size 0 and, ahem, let's just say it didn't even begin to fit me!

So I tried to think of a way that I could use it for something else and came up with a summer dress for my Avery.

My mom and I brought in the sides of the skirt and added straps and...

voila! A summer dress is born!

Had a fun little back yard photo shoot in the warm sunshine!


  1. No way! You are soooo creative! It is adorable!

  2. love, love, love it!! you could make some $ doing that....not that you need another thing to do!

    hope you're doing well. the countdown is on here in our corner of the world! seems like it was just you waiting around for Jack!!

  3. Aimee, that is sooo adorable and creative! Great job!!

  4. You are so talented.!! Love, love, love it! Adorable dress...

  5. Too cute ... the dress and your little lady! You are so talented! Hope you are having a good day!

  6. that skirt is adorable! such a great idea!


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee