Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Old Fashioned Little Cabinet

Yesterday I showed you this little beauty that I was working on. My mom found it for me at a thrift store and it was originally painted a beautiful robin's egg blue. Then some lost soul thought it would look much better painted this horrid brown with massive brush strokes in the finish!


So I got out my trusty white paint and brushes and painted away the brown!

I love how the inside has the wooden slats on the sides and bottom. It's very solid and old!

I used sandpaper to distress the edges and I love how it turned out!

For now it's in Avery's room, but I'm forcing myself to list it on the French Farmhouse. It's so hard to part with some of these lovelies!

I moved the tissue paper pom poms that I used for the birthday party into Avery's room.

I have visions of children jumping on the bed and crushing those beautiful flowers, but let's hope that doesn't happen!


  1. Your makeovers are always lovely and this one is no exception!


  2. So much better white! It's a cute little cabinet.

  3. Hi Aimee,
    You did a fantastic job on that little cabinet! Love the violin sitting on top...too cute ~ of course I haven't seen anything you've done that isn't adorable! I know what you mean about the big flowers getting crushed....they would last a week at best around here! ;)


  4. love the re-do Aimee! I always look forward to what you'll do net! : )

  5. Great job! love what you did with it and how you decorated it :) I also love the pom poms!! They are so fun.

  6. That's a lovely cabinet. The white was perfect.

  7. I can't get enough of your 're-do's' - so keep them coming! ( :

    Does your hubs work for /own Kauffman Cabinets? I ran into the dr.'s office this morning and they are renovating and there was a guy there taking measurements who looked so much like your man. I almost made a fool out of myself and introduced myself - wonder what he would have said if I would have asked "Are you Mr. My Pink Life?" ( : Wish now I would have - just ask him if he noticed the circus that came through there - had all 4 of the littles with me! ( :


  8. Great job in saving that cabinet. It looks adorable.


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee