Sunday, December 4, 2011

I'm Tired {This Is Real Life}

I don't remember when I've felt so tired. This whole "mothering-small-children" thing, coupled with all the "extras" that I tend to throw in, has gotten me worn out.

The good thing is - I know that you can relate and I'm not alone. And it's just a season of life. A season that I want to cherish, even when it's hard and when I haven't gotten a full night's sleep in a while.

The other day while I was folding and putting away laundry, Avery and Jack decided to start my Christmas decorating for me. (no, I have not started decorating yet, can you believe it?? I feel more tired just thinking about it!!)

They went outside and picked up some greens to add to the bunch of twiggy-things I have in a vase by the fireplace.

Then Avery hung some of Jack's dirty socks from the mantle. And they put books around the bottom of the "tree" and pretended they were presents.

I have to admit, I was a little bit proud of their decorating skills. It made my day.

This morning Avery asked me why I was so tired, and I told her that taking care of her and Jack and Violet is a lot of work and sometimes mommy gets tired.

She gave me a very sympathetic "Aw, that's ok mommy.".

Then two seconds later, "Can you get me a drink of water? And make sure it has ice in it.". can always count on them to be understanding and helpful. Now, I'm off to take a nap!


  1. I completely feel your pain. Parenting is soooo hard! Our 8 year old was diagnosed with insomnia recently and we haven't slept through the night in two flippin' years! I hate being chronically tired!

    Enjoy your nap!

  2. one question, "tired"??
    something you need to tell me?

    i can relate, just had this conversation with friends the other day....there are too many people that need me , too many demands and there isn't enough time in one day, to do it all!

  3. fyi:
    love that decorating. go avery!

  4. the thot of christmas decorations made me tired this year too. what a great idea to let the kids do it. :)

  5. Oh, I feel ya. I'm still tired after sleeping 7 hour's.

    The 1st thing I thought when I read you were tired was that you may be beating around the bush about something. Might another be on the way?
    I love your blog, by the way! I'm so amused by all your furniture finds and fixes. You inspired me to start my own blog ... so far, I'm lov'in it =)
    Thanks Aimee

  6. Thanks for sharing this. I feel the same way! Although I love decorating and all the "extras", sometimes it's all I can do to just take care of the kids. I did more simple Christmas decor this year and it feels good!
    Hang in there,

  7. ha! ha! love the "and make sure it has ice in it!" I know what you mean when you say that thinking about decorating for Christmas can make you feel even more tired! I've had years like that!

  8. I love your house so much, it is so cute! We are just starting our holiday decorating too. It seems like everyone started so early this year!! Also thanks for the link to that great decorating blog, I'm sure I will be over there a lot too! :)

  9. I love the "real life" posts! Helps me know that we all share the same struggles to not burn out while we're trying to do it all, and cherish it all along the way. It is exhausting. I love how your kids decorated. My daughter always wants to help too. I think it is so cute that they take an interest in what we like and they try to imitate us! Just think how design savvy the next generation will be with moms like us! ;)

  10. I have about six decorations out and between work, Xmas shopping, and trying to feed everyone I am thinking Xmas eve I might finish. I wish there were a few extra hours in the your blog...


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee